,is the first website in Bhojpuri. it was started in year 2003 and is regularly updated. has its maximum content in Bhojpuri but to keep this site in searches this pages is written in English.

During this long period of 20 years this site has had many adjuncts like and (it is a .CO not .COM) but all these sites redirect you to

This is a one man effort and I do all the job single handed without any staff or infrastructure. I am also not formaly educated in web publishing. It was a trial and error from the beginning. Fortunately, with support of WORDPRESS my workload has reduced, but my own age is catching up. I have crossed 70 years and am looking for someone who can carry on the baton. This is not economically viable so do not expect to earn from it.

Fortunately, of late some people have respoded to my request for monetary help to sustain It costs abour Rs Thirty Thousands plus to keep it alive and I am not able to sustain it for long.

So, if you are inclined to help this oldest website in Bhojpuri, please do contribute. Even a small sum of Rs.11/- can work wonders.

OP Singh, Editor-Publisher
Phone : 9451745518
email :

Due to spam calls and emails it may not be possible to respond the calls. You may send WhasApp messages though, which I see regularly.

Thanks for your visit.
