Recently Gunjan Pant, the sexy girl of Bhojpuri cinema, was at Ranchi in relation with the auditions for a dance reality show of Mahuaa TV. She became the first Bhojpuri actress to visit Ranchi. Gunjan says it was a memorable visit and she wont forget it in her whole life. The people there gave her so much love and affection that she became emotional. People had gathered in large numbers and she gave autographs to her fans and get herself photographed with them. Some fans had come with their families too.
Gunjan was warned before coming to Ranchi that Jharkhand is a Naxal infested state and she should be careful for her security. However the reality was otherwise and she found Ranchi, the home town of cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, a peaceful city with all the amenities of a modern city.
There were nearly 250 participants for the audition and everyone gave his best performance so that he is selected to become the dance partner of Gunjan Pant in the show.
Gunjan also paid her floral tributes to Bhagwan Birsa Munda and visited the famous Jagannauth Temple of Ranchi on the hills which shows the panorama of the whole city.
(Source – Shashikant Singh)
Gunjan Pant