The jubilee star of Bhojpuri cinema Dinesh Lal Nirahua has his spell continuing at the box offices and it is getting stronger by the day.This year too his films, Aakhiri Rastaa and Diljale, have been superhits. His home production film “Aulaad” has already celebrated 50th day in Uttar Pradesh and is going on with full offices in Bihar too in the sixth week of its run in more than two dozen cinema halls. Aulaad is a complete family oriented film and is a gift to his fans. The film was released during Ramzan, not a good month for films, but it was the magic of Nirahua’s spell that the film is a success despite the Salman Khan’s Bodyguard. The film Aulaad is said to be the film of the year.
A new film “Nirahua Mail” of this No. One star of Bhojpuri cinema continuously for last five years, is going to release soon.
(Source – Prashant-Nishant)