Your Feedback

Dear Readers,
Anjoria is proud of your kind patronage and appreciates your feedbacks. Unfortunately this script has some vulnerabilities and limitations. Sometimes, for some unexplained reasons the feedback is not delivered to me. Many a times feedbacks entered as Devnagri script is lost during transit andis rendered unreadable.
You are therefore requested to use Roman Script as far as possible. I happily write the same in Devnagri script for use on where that use is justified.
Furthermore, it is more useful if you use your own email to send/write your suggestions.
Only those feedbacks are published which are social and publishable.I, as editor have the right to accept or deny any feedback for publication without giving any reason.

If you are not taken back to the mainpage when you submit your feedback by clicking on the send feedback button the process was not complete. So repeat the action till you are taken to the main page.


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