Sajan Chale Sasural, a film produced by most successful Bhopuri film producer Alok Kumar recently released in BIhar has complerted 50th day of run in six cinema halls of Bihar. These are Shankar talkies of Sitamarhi, Kiran at Gaya, Payal at Motihari, Darbar at Siwan, Naz at Bihar Sharif and Sapna at Ara.
The new star of Bhojpuri cinema Khesari Lal debuting with this film has done the lead role. And, Alok Kumar has proved once again that he has his fingers on the pulse of Bhojpuri film viewers and knows their tastes well. Premanshu Singh has directed the film, Ashok Kumar Deep has scored the music as well as some lyrics. Other lyricists are Pyare Lal Yadav and Krishna Bedardi. The stars in the film include Khesari Lal Yadav, Smriti Sinha, Neha Shri, Akash Sahay, Kiran Yadav, Anup Arora, Girish Sharma, Santosh Srivastava, CP Bhatt, and Vikas Virappan.
Congratulations to Alok Kumar for the success of Sajan Chale Sasural.
(Source : Prashant-Nishant)