A proper team is the main reason for success : Nirahua

by | Nov 11, 2010 | 0 comments

King Star of Bhojpuri cinema Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua says that, “a proper team, which works diligently with dedication and honesty, added with the blessings of his mother, prayers of his elders, and love of his youngsters, is the real reason behind his success.” Nirahua says, he always looks sharply into the story, team, director, and producer before accepting any film. And then proper ingredients favored by the viewers is the reason for the continued success of his films. It is noteworthy that Nirahua has already given seven super hit films this year.
His next film going to be released this week on the pious occasion of Chhath Puja is “Lofar”. Nirahua says the film is a pure “masala film” having action, emotion, and comedy making it a complete entertainment package for the viewers. He is doing a double role in the film and hopes his fans will like his colors as he has tried his best to do justice with his roles.
Talking about “Aakhiri Rastaa” which was shot recently at Bangkok, Nirahua says that these shootings create awareness about Bhojpuri film industry at the foreign soil too and many foreign film makers become interested in Bhojpuri film making. During the recent shoot Nirahua was signed by a company of Bangkok and the film will be shot in Canada and Bangkok exclusively. “Aakhiri Rastaa” is an action movie made in southern style in the flavo of G.Subbarao, though nearly the total cast is Bhojpuria.
About his being the favorite of almost all regional film makers, Nirahua says this is due to his professional conduct. He is always available for the shots on the due dates for as long as the producer and directors require. This results into a profitable venture for his producers and none have burnt their fingers casting him. His own production house is producing two films, “Nirahua Tangawala” under the direction of Faruq Siddique, and “Aulad” under the direction of Aslam Shekh. Both the films will be shot simultaneously.

On being called the king of Bhojpuri cinema, Nirahua says it pleases him and at the same time puts more responsibilities on him to be true to his fans’ expectations, so that they are never disappointed.

(Source : Prashant-Nishant)



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अगर चाहत बानी कि अँजोरिया जीयत रहे आ मजबूती से खड़ा रह सके त कम से कम 11 रुपिया के सहयोग कर के एकरा के वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराईं. यूपीआई पहचान हवे - सहयोग भेजला का बाद आपन एगो फोटो आ परिचय
पर भेज दीं. सभकर नाम शामिल रही सूची में बाकिर सबले बड़का पाँच गो भामाशाहन के एहिजा पहिला पन्ना पर जगहा दीहल जाई.
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पूरा सूची
एगो निहोरा बा कि जब सहयोग करीं त ओकर सूचना जरुर दे दीं. एही चलते तीन दिन बाद एकरा के जोड़नी ह जब खाता देखला पर पता चलल ह.


हेल्थ इन्श्योरेंस करे वाला संस्था बहुते बाड़ी सँ बाकिर स्टार हेल्थ एह मामिला में लाजवाब बा, ई हम अपना निजी अनुभव से बतावतानी. अधिका जानकारी ला स्टार हेल्थ से संपर्क करीं.
शेयर ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले जरुरी साधन चार्ट खातिर ट्रेडिंगव्यू
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हर शेेयर ट्रेेडर वणिक हैै - WANIK.IN



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