Film life is a fantasy : says Bipin Bahar

by | Sep 8, 2010 | 0 comments

Known for regular experimentations Bipin Bahar, lyricist, musician, and actor as well, was away from the lime light for one year. He has resurfaced again with his film
Bhojpuria Don which was released recently with success. He is also giving music for Karent Mare Goriya. He talked freely about last year when he was away from lime light.

Bipin ji, was there any particular reason for your solitude ?
I was in Mumbai itself. I was tired of this filmi life. Everything here is artificial and this was disturbing me. Therefore, I decided to refresh myself by keeping a distance. I observed silence even my friends in media contacte me.

How much this solitude affected your work ?
Good question. You must have heared the story of that sage who kept on saving a scorpian despite its stings. Everyone has an attitude for life. May be my career graph appears going southwards my inner satisfaction has increased a lot. I am happier than before. I did some constructive works too. My first collection of poems, “Thethar Man” is complete, so is the Bhojpuri translation of Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography. I am also translating Holy Bible and Holy Quran in Bhojpuri. In addition to my literary works visits to Vasai Orphanage has soothed me a lot.

From a lyricist to actor and now a musician….
Oh no. I’m not in any confusion. To be an actor, lyricist, or musician is a great achievement. I’m neither a lyricist, nor a musician, nor an actor. Just composing a few lines does not make you a poet, that is just a way to earn my living. Though I have a misconception about myself that I’m a good human. As far as acting and music direction is concerned there is nothing like picking up or dropping something. My acting in Bhojpuria Don is being praised though and I am giving music to three or four films and this is almost complete for Karent Mare Goriya.

Are you satisfied with present day scenario of Bhojpuri film industry ?
A famous couplet of Bahadur Shah Zafar says …
?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?????
???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???????
Bhojpuri film industry is in good health. It is on flight with the presence of Ravi Kishan, Manoj Tiwari, Nirahua, and Pawan Singh. It is dancing with joy for the arrival of stars like Sudip Pandey, Pravesh Lal, Vinay Anand, Pankaj Kesri, Uttam Kumar, Deepak Dubey, and now Manoj Pandey.

Do you plan to enter politics ?
Absolutely not ! In present day context a leader means someone without any mores or character. All the problems the nation faces is their products. For example they are counting the castes whereas they should have counted the population on the basis of their earnings.

What will you say to your fans ?
Any technical skill is not above humanism. If the public cant oppose your tyranny dont get bloated. Sky bursts, clouds electrocute, the creator destroys its own creations with Tsunami and volcanos. So enjoy life without harming others.
(Contributed by – Uday Bhagat)



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अँजोरिया के भामाशाह

अगर चाहत बानी कि अँजोरिया जीयत रहे आ मजबूती से खड़ा रह सके त कम से कम 11 रुपिया के सहयोग कर के एकरा के वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराईं. यूपीआई पहचान हवे - सहयोग भेजला का बाद आपन एगो फोटो आ परिचय
पर भेज दीं. सभकर नाम शामिल रही सूची में बाकिर सबले बड़का पाँच गो भामाशाहन के एहिजा पहिला पन्ना पर जगहा दीहल जाई.
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पूरा सूची
एगो निहोरा बा कि जब सहयोग करीं त ओकर सूचना जरुर दे दीं. एही चलते तीन दिन बाद एकरा के जोड़नी ह जब खाता देखला पर पता चलल ह.


हेल्थ इन्श्योरेंस करे वाला संस्था बहुते बाड़ी सँ बाकिर स्टार हेल्थ एह मामिला में लाजवाब बा, ई हम अपना निजी अनुभव से बतावतानी. अधिका जानकारी ला स्टार हेल्थ से संपर्क करीं.
शेयर ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले जरुरी साधन चार्ट खातिर ट्रेडिंगव्यू
शेयर में डे ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले बढ़िया ब्रोकर आदित्य बिरला मनी
हर शेेयर ट्रेेडर वणिक हैै - WANIK.IN



सुतला मे, जगला में, चेत में, अचेत में। बारी, फुलवारी में, चँवर, कुरखेत में। घूमे जाला कतहीं लवटि आवे सँझिया, चोरवा के मन बसे ककड़ी के खेत में। - संगीत सुभाष के ह्वाट्सअप से

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