Bhojpuriya Don shall be a milestone film forr Bhojpuri film industry : Ravi Sinha

by | Aug 8, 2010 | 0 comments

Bhojpuri cinema’s megastar Manoj Tiwari and Monalisa starrer film Bhojpuria Don is going to be a milestone film for Bhojpuri film festival, says Ravi Sinha, the director of the film. Presented here is an interview with him :

It must have been a responsible job of making Bhojpuria Don. What was your experience?
To speak the truth I did not have time to breath! I had thought that it will be an easy job but it turned out to be very tough. I had to work very hard for making Bhojpuria Don.

How was it to work with manoj Tiwari who is playing a don in the film?
Manoj Tiwari is a simple and straight forward person. He has done a superb acting in this film and I am going to make another film Laathi starring Manoj Kumar. Real shortage is of a dedicated person to get the best out of Manoj Tiwari, beacause he undoubtedly is the best!

What is the difference between Bollywood Dons and this Bhojpuria Don?
Comparison is sure to be done but there is much difference among these films. To begin with it is a different story. It shows how a common man turns into a Don due to unbearable tortures and crime against him.

What would you say about the produer Rakesh Kohli of the film?
Rakesh Kohli is a compassionate and soft hearted person. Bhojpuri film industry needs producers like him.

How do you justify the presence of so many heroines in the film?
The story demanded them! Monalisa, Urvashi Chaudhary, and Swati Verma are in the lead roles in the film and all were needed. Urvashi Chaudhary was introduced by me in my film Sasurari Zindabad.

One other film of yours, Lofar, too is the talk of industry. It is said that such action packed and romantic film was never made in Bhojpuri beforee?
I will thank the producers Monika Sinha and Ajay Singh as well as the presenter Sanjay Sinha for this. Nirahua, Pakhi Hegde, and Monalisa, all have done wonderful in the film. This is for the first time these three are to-gather in a film.

Ravi Ji, you have directed Manoj Tiwari, Ravi Kishan, and Nirahua, all three. What will you say about them?
Only that each one of them is better than the other two! I enjoyed working with each one of them and all of them cooperated with me as the director. I have also worked with Krishna Abhishek in Devar Ji and Suhag. With Manoj Tiwari I have done Bhaiya Hamar, Bhojpuria Don, and now Laathi.. Had worked with Ravi Kishan for Sasurari Zindabad and with Nirahua for Lofar. I am sure these films will take Bhojpuri cinema to a greater height. In Laathi Ravi Kishan too is with Manoj Tiwari and the producer once again is Rakesh Kohli.

(Source : Shashikant Singh.)



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