In the biggest ever survey of Bhojpuri cinema Ravi Kishan selected as the best actor

by | Nov 12, 2010 | 0 comments

Evergreen super star of Bhojpuri cinema Ravi Kishan has been judged again as the best actor in the biggest ever survey on Bhojpuri cinema. The survey was conducted by The Sunday Indian media group and research company ICMR for over two months and Ravi Kishan is the number one star in the opinion of film critics and intellectuals.

Yesterday a TV channel “India News” ran a two hours long interview of Ravi Kishan where past, present, and future of Bhojpuri cinema was discussed. Obscenity or vulgarism was also discussed in the show. Ravi Kishan claimed emphatically that his films have bare minimum of this obscenity as compared with films starring others. Even that bare minimum is shown on the demand of the story or situation.

In the survey Rinku Ghosh has been selected as the best actress. “Bhumiputra” directed by Harry Fernandes and starring Ravi Kishan was selected as the best film of the year 2009.

The survey was conducted as per the opinion of Bhojpuria film viewers spread all across the country. Ravi Kishan has also won the best actor award for five consecutive years and has won hundreds of honours and felicitations. Ravi Kishan promised in the interview to try to bring Amitabh Bachchan once again to Bhojpuri cinema. He is also contemplating producing films like “Paa” and “Black” from his production house. Ravi Kishan also denied that he is giving more attention to Hindi cinema than Bhojpuri films and cited his acting in more than 100 Bhojpuri films as a proof of his devotion to Bhojpuri. Ravi Kishan said clearly that he will never betray Bhojpuri because it is his parental language.

Onkareshwar Pandey, editor of Hindi Bhojpuri editions of The Sunday Indian, thanks the Bhojpuria viewers and the survey team and said that the report of the survey in detail will be published in the next edition of the magazine.

(Source : Uday Bhagat)



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अगर चाहत बानी कि अँजोरिया जीयत रहे आ मजबूती से खड़ा रह सके त कम से कम 11 रुपिया के सहयोग कर के एकरा के वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराईं. यूपीआई पहचान हवे - सहयोग भेजला का बाद आपन एगो फोटो आ परिचय
पर भेज दीं. सभकर नाम शामिल रही सूची में बाकिर सबले बड़का पाँच गो भामाशाहन के एहिजा पहिला पन्ना पर जगहा दीहल जाई.
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पूरा सूची
एगो निहोरा बा कि जब सहयोग करीं त ओकर सूचना जरुर दे दीं. एही चलते तीन दिन बाद एकरा के जोड़नी ह जब खाता देखला पर पता चलल ह.


हेल्थ इन्श्योरेंस करे वाला संस्था बहुते बाड़ी सँ बाकिर स्टार हेल्थ एह मामिला में लाजवाब बा, ई हम अपना निजी अनुभव से बतावतानी. अधिका जानकारी ला स्टार हेल्थ से संपर्क करीं.
शेयर ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले जरुरी साधन चार्ट खातिर ट्रेडिंगव्यू
शेयर में डे ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले बढ़िया ब्रोकर आदित्य बिरला मनी
हर शेेयर ट्रेेडर वणिक हैै - WANIK.IN



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