Nirahua was the No. 1 in year 2010 too

by | Dec 24, 2010 | 0 comments

This year too, magic of Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua ruled the popularity charts and his fans made him Hero No. 1 once again like last three years. Nirahua has maintained his popularity for the 4th consecutive year ! He has kept alive the smile on the faces of producers, distributors, and cinema hall owners etc. This year 8 films starring Nirahua were released and all of these ruled the box-offices. First film was “Nirahua No.1” which did historic business in Mumbai but average in U.P. and Bihar. Two films, “Saat Saheliyan” and “Shiva” were released around Holi. “Saat Saheliyan” proved to be a block buster while “Shiva” too did a good business. Then in April “Aaj Ke Karan Arjun” was released with Junior Nirahua as the co hero. This film had a bumper opening and did so for three weeks at a stretch. Then “Daag” was released in May and celebrated 50days in many theaters of U.P. and Bihar. It did a record business in Delhi, Mumbai and Punjab too. “Daag” was the biggest hit of this year. Then “Mrityunjay” was released simultaneously with “Dabang’ of Salman Khan. This film too did a somewhat good business against this odd. “Ranbhumi” was released during Durga Puja. Nirahua was in an off beat role in this film playing the character of a Dalit youth. This film killed the myth that off beat fail to succeed in Bhojpuri. Then last film was “Lofar”. This too did a good business despite cold season. Overall Nirahua succeeded to win viewers love this year too. His average films do more business than superhit films of other stars ! Ruling the charts continuosly for four years Nirahua hopes and believes that he will continue to win love of his viewers in year 2011 too. His first film going to release in 2011 will be “Aakhiri Rasta” that was shot in Bangkok and has Pakhi, Rinku, and Monalisa with Nirahua.

(Source : Prashant-Nishant)



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अँजोरिया के भामाशाह

अगर चाहत बानी कि अँजोरिया जीयत रहे आ मजबूती से खड़ा रह सके त कम से कम 11 रुपिया के सहयोग कर के एकरा के वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराईं. यूपीआई पहचान हवे - सहयोग भेजला का बाद आपन एगो फोटो आ परिचय
पर भेज दीं. सभकर नाम शामिल रही सूची में बाकिर सबले बड़का पाँच गो भामाशाहन के एहिजा पहिला पन्ना पर जगहा दीहल जाई.
अबहीं ले 13 गो भामाशाहन से कुल मिला के सात हजार तीन सौ अठासी रुपिया (7388/-) के सहयोग मिलल बा. सहजोग राशि आ तारीख का क्रम से पाँच गो सर्वश्रेष्ठ भामाशाह -
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पूरा सूची
एगो निहोरा बा कि जब सहयोग करीं त ओकर सूचना जरुर दे दीं. एही चलते तीन दिन बाद एकरा के जोड़नी ह जब खाता देखला पर पता चलल ह.


हेल्थ इन्श्योरेंस करे वाला संस्था बहुते बाड़ी सँ बाकिर स्टार हेल्थ एह मामिला में लाजवाब बा, ई हम अपना निजी अनुभव से बतावतानी. अधिका जानकारी ला स्टार हेल्थ से संपर्क करीं.
शेयर ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले जरुरी साधन चार्ट खातिर ट्रेडिंगव्यू
शेयर में डे ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले बढ़िया ब्रोकर आदित्य बिरला मनी
हर शेेयर ट्रेेडर वणिक हैै - WANIK.IN



सुतला मे, जगला में, चेत में, अचेत में। बारी, फुलवारी में, चँवर, कुरखेत में। घूमे जाला कतहीं लवटि आवे सँझिया, चोरवा के मन बसे ककड़ी के खेत में। - संगीत सुभाष के ह्वाट्सअप से

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