RaviKishan, evergreen super star of Bhojpuri cinema, is now coming with a film Prem Vidrohi based on the dirty politics of the region. This film will present all the nakedness of present day politics, more so of that seen in the Bhojpuri belt of the nation. Recently some songs were filmed in Mumbai. Presented by Anup Jalota and Manisha Management this film is being produced b Anjani Upadhyay and Sanjay Katiyar under the banner of Purvaiya Entertainment and Jai Maa Buddha Films. Sanoj Mishra is the directror and the star cast includes Ravi Kishan, Pratiksha Reena Soni, Awadhesh Mishra, Surendra Pal, Bobby darling, Shakku Rana, Puspa Verma, Preetish Rah, Muskan, Vandana Dubey and others. Some songs are by Anup Jalota, jalwas by SriKankani, and item numbers by Kashish Gayakvad. Music director is Vishnu Mishra.
(Source : Prashant-Nishant)