Sanwaria I Love You : A film promoting widow marriage

by | Jun 6, 2010 | 0 comments

Young age marriages are still common in UP and Bihar. Many a times these young girls are widowed even before the consumation of marriage. Society treats these youn widows as outcast and they have to suffer untold agonies. Producer CB Tripathi and Shambhu Pandey have choosen this social issue as the theme of their Bhojpuri film Sanwaria I Love You directed by Rampal Singh. Bhojpuria super star Vinay Anand is the lead character of the film and his coactress is Rani Chatterjee. The film is being presented by Jitesh Dubey who has given a new momentum to Bhojpuri film industry with his successful films like Brijwa, Munni Bai Nautankiwali etc.

Vinay Anand and Ranii Chatterjee in Sanwaria I Love You

Recently film journalists were invited to see the shooting of the film at Chandiwavli Studio where a Bhojpuri film was being shot after a very long gap. The set was arranged in the beautiful garden of the studio and the scene involved a song sequence on Vinay Anand and Rani Chatterjee. The main attraction was the fact that Jyoti Anand, wife of Vinay Anand was the choreographer. Vinay Anand was in a Rajasthani dress while Rani Chatterjee was in a Marathi dress and the dance was Punjabi Bhangra! Jyoti Anand was careful not to overwork Vinay Anand but at the same time she was giving full attention to the details.

Later when we asked the reason for the non Bhojpuri dress etc. Jyoti explained that it was not a Rajasthani dress, just different from the routine.

Stars of the film include Vinay Anand, Rani Chatterjee, Gaurav Ghai, Deepak Dubey, and Ashok Gupta from Varanasi.

(Source : Shashikant Singh, Ranjan Sinha)



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अगर चाहत बानी कि अँजोरिया जीयत रहे आ मजबूती से खड़ा रह सके त कम से कम 11 रुपिया के सहयोग कर के एकरा के वित्तीय संसाधन उपलब्ध कराईं. यूपीआई पहचान हवे - सहयोग भेजला का बाद आपन एगो फोटो आ परिचय
पर भेज दीं. सभकर नाम शामिल रही सूची में बाकिर सबले बड़का पाँच गो भामाशाहन के एहिजा पहिला पन्ना पर जगहा दीहल जाई.
अबहीं ले 13 गो भामाशाहन से कुल मिला के सात हजार तीन सौ अठासी रुपिया (7388/-) के सहयोग मिलल बा. सहजोग राशि आ तारीख का क्रम से पाँच गो सर्वश्रेष्ठ भामाशाह -
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पूरा सूची
एगो निहोरा बा कि जब सहयोग करीं त ओकर सूचना जरुर दे दीं. एही चलते तीन दिन बाद एकरा के जोड़नी ह जब खाता देखला पर पता चलल ह.


हेल्थ इन्श्योरेंस करे वाला संस्था बहुते बाड़ी सँ बाकिर स्टार हेल्थ एह मामिला में लाजवाब बा, ई हम अपना निजी अनुभव से बतावतानी. अधिका जानकारी ला स्टार हेल्थ से संपर्क करीं.
शेयर ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले जरुरी साधन चार्ट खातिर ट्रेडिंगव्यू
शेयर में डे ट्रेडिंग करे वालन खातिर सबले बढ़िया ब्रोकर आदित्य बिरला मनी
हर शेेयर ट्रेेडर वणिक हैै - WANIK.IN



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